Exposing American Racism

As Bill Maher so accurately noted, the Democrats have moved to the right and the Right has moved into a mental hospital. As it stands, Democrats now simply affirm all of the ideologies that Republicans used to. Need proof? Look into history. Look into the policies and bills that have passed through Congress and the White House over the past couple of decades. Hell, Richard Nixon passed more progressive legislation than almost any federal Democratic official in the past twenty years. Barack Obama’s administration has continued nearly in lock-step with the previous George W. Bush administration, with few exceptions.

So, then, these facts beg the question: Why do Republicans disapprove of Obama, considering that he is promulgating their own agenda?

Their answers are that he is a:
Illegal Alien

The fact that these characterizations are contradictory notwithstanding, they are also completely inaccurate.

What then is going on here?


Obama does not represent progressives; he and nearly all Democrats do not represent liberal ideals any longer.

Obama does not represent change in terms of political and social principles; he is a corporatist like all of those before him.

Yet, he is change: he is a change of skin color.

What we have here is a national case of word substitution.

When people complain that Obama is a “socialist” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “communist” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “liberal” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “progressive” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “terrorist” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “fascist” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is an “illegal alien” they mean he is “black.”

When people complain that Obama is a “racist” they mean he is “black.”

Let’s call a spade a spade.

The only rational explanation to the hatred and dissatisfaction of Barack Obama and his policies by the Right is that they are racists.

They are racists.

Why are we listening to racists?

They are racists.

They should have no voice.

P.S. The recent forced resignation of Van Jones from his post as “green jobs czar” demonstrates the power of the racists. While war criminals like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney roam the streets freely and continue in their lives of extreme privilege and immorality, Van Jones’ only fault is the so demonized trait of “living while black.” Oh, and perhaps his other fault is attempting to help the environment and help those other young people who also carry the trait of “living while black."

(photo courtesy of the National Organization for Women)


Ari said…
Excellent excellent post. I'd forgotten just how much passion students have.

I'm an old fart now (40s) but your generation has reawakened the idealistic youth that slept inside of my heart for so long. :-)

Thanks and keep it up!

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