Meryl, Have We Been Living in the Same America All This Time?
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Credit: B. Coady |
Clearly not. In fact, not many people live in Meryl Streep's
Most of those that do were in that Golden Globes ballroom with the Cecil B.
DeMille lifetime achievement award winner, cheering her triumphant anti-Trump
speech in which she never even had to utter the ignoramus's name. And right on
cue, Trump retorted with a ridiculous attack on the ability of one of the most
deservedly honored actors of our day, surprisingly refraining from a crack
about her looks or age.
Thank goodness we are all still entitled to free speech, for
the time being, at least. Though their voices are unduly and unfairly
amplified, celebrities have a right to their opinions. Likewise, my muted voice
has a right to call celebrities out on their hollowness. Streep's speech was
perfectly suited for Hollywood,
believing itself to be important, but lacking the necessary depth from which
most meaningful things come.
Let's be clear. There is good reason for Meryl Streep to use
her public platform to lament the incoming sociopath-in-chief and to encourage
resistance to the upcoming fascism. There is good reason to be fearful of the
future. But while Meryl and her peers have been blissfully unaware of the destination
toward which humanity has been heading for at least four decades now - with
every single Democrat and Republican at the helm - others of us have been
watching each presidential administration lead us closer to the proverbial
cliff. Actually, far too many citizens have already fallen to their deaths. For
the rest of us, the only difference now is that the velocity at which we
approach the precipice is merely accelerating.
It is not hard to call out Trump for mocking a disabled person,
as Streep did. Anyone with half a heart felt horrified at the sight of Trump's
deplorable impression. But it is hard to abide the shallowness of scorning the
corrupt and contemptible president-elect without also admonishing the equally
corrupt and contemptible institutions from which he emanated, including the two-party
political system and the entertainment industry.
Streep spoke of the inclusively of her industry, remarking
on the diverse backgrounds from which so many of her colleagues came. It was a
typical telling of the popular Horatio Alger myth that anyone can find success
in America.
But we all know the truth: that the accomplishments of people like those at the
Golden Globes are one in a million - and it just so happens that the success tales
come from those very ones-in-millions. We do not hear the stories of the
failures. So-called successes are products of luck, timing, ambition,
connections, nepotism, often corruption and compromised ethics, and sometimes, hard work and/or talent.
"Making it" in Hollywood
is a windfall, yet for the majority of the hard-working and talented people who
do not, the entertainment industry is emblematic of the rampant income
inequality in this nation. Many worthy artists never make it and never even
have a chance. It's a lottery and a crapshoot, but it does not have to be. It
does not have to reward few and leave the majority to struggle.
No one deserves the massive wealth that these people enjoy.
That wealth is always at the expense of those who have little. Furthermore, if
everyone in America
lived so lavishly - as do both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as well - the
earth would be destroyed because it could not sustain such wealth and excess.
(Speaking of sustainability, most of those in the
entertainment industry like to tout themselves as concerned about the
environment, but their industry itself is awash in
almost unbridled energy and resource use, waste, and pollution.)
Streep stressed the importance of the profound artistry produced
by Hollywood.
Granted, I admit watching some select television series and the occasional
film. There is quality to be had; there are some very worthwhile endeavors. But
that does not mitigate the fact that the entertainment industry produces complete
and utter crap in far excess of its products of value. And because it follows
the corporate capitalist model that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
support full throttle, it also
exacerbates economic inequality and environmental devastation.
As fitting at the Golden Globes, where the awards are given
by the Hollywood Foreign Press, Streep underscored the obligation of a vibrant
fourth estate, saying, "We need the principled press to hold power to
account." Actors like Meryl echoed the same sentiments during the George
W. Bush administration, but why did we not hear those sentiments from them when
Nobel peace prize-winning Obama started dropping bombs in seven foreign
countries, when he escalated drone warfare - killing untold numbers of innocent
civilians, when he deported more immigrants than any other president in U.S.
history, when he rubber-stamped the surveillance state, when just a couple of
weeks ago he passed a law that amounts
to enacting an Orwellian Ministry of Truth, when he and Clinton pushed for the
TPP, when he and Clinton supported fracking, when he and Clinton derided and
jailed whistleblowers like Snowden and Manning? If we are to hold one power to
account, we should hold ALL powers to account, Meryl.
Furthermore, Streep called for support for the Committee to
Protect Journalists, perhaps forgetting that the Obama administration has
sentenced more whistleblowers than all other previous presidents combined.
These whistleblowers committed the grave act of leaking to the press, and thus
to the public, the immoral and nefarious deeds of our government. You know,
holding power to account. Obama will now pass on his legacy of attacking and
imprisoning journalists and their sources to the unhinged Trump.
One could claim that the burden of the failure of American
democracy is partially at the hands of the entertainment industry. Arguably,
the man who was the progenitor of the modern systemic decline of America was none other than Ronald Reagan, a
product of Hollywood
whose political rise was enabled by his star power. Similarly, Donald Trump
only became a household name because of his stint on the Apprentice. His
nationwide name recognition "bigly" aided his campaign - and, to be
sure, he conducted his campaign not unlike the Hollywood
campaigns at this time of year for the much-coveted Oscars. Everyone in New York business circles already knew what
a misogynist, racist, con-artist the Donald was. No doubt, everyone in Hollywood soon learned
the same when Trump embarked upon his reality show. But no one dared speak out
when Trump was a cash cow for their respective industries.
Meanwhile, one of very few principled "mainstream"
presidential candidates in my lifetime emerged with great fortitude in the 2016
race. Bernie Sanders could very well have been elected President and we could
all be ushering in a whole new promising era of equity, inclusion, and justice not
seen for scores and scores of years. His primary loss could be blamed partly on
an archaic election process in which voters are disenfranchised through
ridiculous rules, including registering months ahead of elections and closed
primaries, not to mention voter suppression due to erroneous purging of
registry lists, and many other undemocratic practices. But mostly, Bernie lost
due to the concerted effort, through unethical and illegal tactics of the
Democratic National Committee and Hillary Rodham Clinton, to provide Clinton the Democratic
nomination at all costs, the will of the people be damned.
It is likely that we can thank the very unpopular Hillary
Clinton, who, like most Democrats of the modern era, promulgated neoliberal,
corporatist, Republican policies (militarism, privatization, deregulation, and
austerity - to name but a few) for the election of Trump. Soon too, we may be
able to thank the Democrats for sending us all to nuclear annihilation, as
their unverifiable, evidence-free blaming of Russia for Trump's election may
send us into a wholly preventable nuclear war. (At which point, we will always
then be left wondering why the Democrats did not fight to eliminate the
electoral college after Gore won the popular vote in 2000.) Yet Streep has held
fast to propping up Clinton and these very same Democrats, who have laid the
foundation for this unfettered plutocratic regime, hiding its support structure
behind their dignified, yet duplicitous faces.
Meryl, while I appreciate the gravity of this moment in U.S. history
and your calling attention to it, I cannot refrain from questioning your collaboration
with and support of the very people and systems that laid the groundwork for
this doom. Like them, your superficial examination of the issues we are facing
only perpetuates the phony political partisanship under which the nation and
the world are being utterly destroyed. Perhaps the best thing that you and your
comrades could do, instead of making speeches that fall far from the mark, is
to cancel all of your extravagant and wasteful ceremonies of the season and
join the hoi polloi in the community and in the streets to fight against the
plutocracy. At this crucial moment in time, we need less superficiality and
more substance, especially from Hollywood.
Kristine Mattis holds
a Ph.D. in Environment and Resources. She examines science, health, and environmental
communication within the context of social and environmental justice. Email: Twitter: @kristinemattis