Damn consumerism
As a youth, I was certainly guilty of being interested in shopping and in searching for bargains. Even as a concerned person who cared about the welfare of others, I was also still a teenager, in somewhat typical fashion.
That was a long time ago. It is utterly unbelievable that adults do not see the moral folly of materialism, consumerism, and capitalism. We cannot possibly battle the ecological and sociological crises of our world until we all do.
That was a long time ago. It is utterly unbelievable that adults do not see the moral folly of materialism, consumerism, and capitalism. We cannot possibly battle the ecological and sociological crises of our world until we all do.
All true, it made me LOL all the way through: Not only did it make the Bradley judges 'heads swivel and steam come out of their ears and eyes roll and pop out of their sockets, I can fucking see them doing the "Daylight Come and I Wanna Go Home" thing from BeetleJuice!
I would add a line on your vita ;)
When I posted from CP to my blog DemocracyWeb.com, I said we ALL could find every single stupid little award prize contest in the fascist right wing corporatist capitalist foundation and think tank universe and REALLY SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER!
Inspired. Just Inspired.
Yes, and since when has mutiliation become prevention. Maybe it ought to be added to Orwell's list?
Thom Prentice