
Showing posts from November, 2012

Buy Nothing Day

“Today, humanity faces a stark choice: save the planet and ditch capitalism, or save capitalism and ditch the planet.” – Fawzi Ibrahim  Reject the consumerism that is plunging the planet, and every living thing on it, into ruin ... and while you're at it, stand with striking Walmart workers!

It's About Time - Boycott Walmart NOW!

This is partially why I have not set foot in a Walmart store in 15-20 years. The corporate owners have more wealth than many small nations, yet they cannot seem to pay their employees a living wage? That kind of act defines immorailty and evil. And the labor problem is only the beginning... The destruction that Walmart has wrought upon the earth knows no bounds...

Chris Hedges' latest

"For a poor family in Camden, N.J., impoverished residents in the abandoned coal camps in southern West Virginia, the undocumented workers that toil in our nation’s produce fields, Native Americans trapped on reservations, Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, those killed by drones in Pakistan, Yemen or Somalia, or those in the squalid urban slums in Africa, it makes no difference if Mitt Romney or Obama is president. And since it makes no difference to them, it makes no difference to me. I seek only to defy the powers that orchestrate and profit from their misery..." Once Again—Death of the Liberal Class (Chris Hedges)

Speaking Truth To Power

Brother Dr. Cornel West and Brother Tavis Smiley tell it like it is: Our biggest threats are poverty and the ecological crisis. Obama is a Rockefeller Republican - socially liberal, politically conservative. Pundits like Michael Eric Dyson and Melissa Harris-Perry (among so many others) have regrettably sold out.