Thank god!

Courtesy of Despair, Inc. What a world! Isn't it great that we can choose to live our lives in any way we want and it does not have any effects on other people or other species ? Isn't it fantastic that we are in no way responsible for harm to others unless we intend it and/or actually directly touch them? Aren't you glad that some of us are predestined to live in reprehensible extravagance while others are meant to spend their short time on earth in utter abject misery ? Isn't it great that there is really nothing we can do about it, because some really important, smart, hard-working people just deserve fifty million times more resources than they need (and they have a guy in the sky to prove to you it's true!)? The people who don't have so much ? They are all just lazy louses , who happen to be a little darker in hue (probably terrorists ). Someone up there does not like them very much. Isn't is wonderful that we can mechanically alt...